VOTE BELOW for your favorite future concepts of six different roads which integrate an active transportation network:

  • Appian Way

  • Fitzgerald Drive

  • Pinole Valley Road

  • San Pablo Avenue

  • Tara Hills Drive

  • Tennent Avenue

Below is the existing road for Appian Way. Scroll down to see Future Concepts A, B, and C of Appian Way and share how much you like each future concept for Appian Way as well as comment. 

(click on the image to enlarge)

Question title

How much do you like Future Concept A for Appian Way?
(click the image to enlarge)

How much do you like Future Concept A for Appian Way? (click the image to enlarge)
Click to view results

Question title

How much do you like Future Concept B of Appian Way?
(click the image to enlarge)

How much do you like Future Concept B of Appian Way? (click the image to enlarge)
Click to view results

Question title

How much do you like Future Concept C for Appian Way?
(click the image to enlarge)

How much do you like Future Concept C for Appian Way? (click the image to enlarge)
Click to view results

Below is the existing road for Fitzgerald Drive . Scroll down to see Future Concepts A of Fitzgerald Drive and share how much you like each future concept for Appian Way. 

(click on the image to enlarge)

Question title

How much do you like Future Concept A for Fitzgerald Drive?
(click the image to enlarge)

How much do you like Future Concept A for Fitzgerald Drive? (click the image to enlarge)
Click to view results

Below is the existing road for Pinole Valley Road . Scroll down to see Future Concepts A and B of Pinole Valley Road and share how much you like each future concept as well as comment. 

(click on the image to enlarge)

Question title

How much do you like Future Concept A for Pinole Valley Road?
(click the image to enlarge)

How much do you like Future Concept A for Pinole Valley Road? (click the image to enlarge)
Click to view results

Question title

How much do you like Future Concept B for Pinole Valley Road?
(click the image to enlarge)

How much do you like Future Concept B for Pinole Valley Road? (click the image to enlarge)
Click to view results

Below is the existing road for San Pablo Avenue. Scroll down to see Future Concepts A, B, and C of San Pablo Avenue and share how much you like each future concept as well as comment. 

(click on the image to enlarge)

Question title

How much do you like Future Concept A for San Pablo Avenue?
(click the image to enlarge)

How much do you like Future Concept A for San Pablo Avenue? (click the image to enlarge)
Click to view results

Question title

How much do you like Future Concept B for San Pablo Avenue?
(click the image to enlarge)

How much do you like Future Concept B for San Pablo Avenue? (click the image to enlarge)
Click to view results

Question title

How much do you like Future Concept C for San Pablo Avenue?
(click the image to enlarge)

How much do you like Future Concept C for San Pablo Avenue? (click the image to enlarge)
Click to view results

Below is the existing road for Tara Hills Drive. Scroll down to see Future Concepts A, B, and C of Tara Hills Drive and share how much you like each future concept as well as comment. 

(click on the image to enlarge)

Question title

How much do you like Future Concept A for Tara Hills Drive?
(click the image to enlarge)

How much do you like Future Concept A for Tara Hills Drive? (click the image to enlarge)
Click to view results

Question title

How much do you like Future Concept B for Tara Hills Drive?
(click the image to enlarge)

How much do you like Future Concept B for Tara Hills Drive? (click the image to enlarge)
Click to view results

Question title

How much do you like Future Concept C for Tara Hills Drive?
(click the image to enlarge)

How much do you like Future Concept C for Tara Hills Drive? (click the image to enlarge)
Click to view results

Below is the existing road for Tennent Avenue. Scroll down to see Future Concepts A, B, C and D of Tennent Avenue and share how much you like each future concept as well as comment.

(click the image to enlarge)


Question title

How much do you like Future Concept A for Tennent Ave?
(click the image to enlarge)

How much do you like Future Concept A for Tennent Ave? (click the image to enlarge)
Click to view results

Question title

How much do you like Future Concept B for Tennent Ave?
(click the image to enlarge)

How much do you like Future Concept B for Tennent Ave? (click the image to enlarge)
Click to view results

Question title

How much do you like Future Concept C for Tennent Avenue?
(click the image to enlarge)

How much do you like Future Concept C for Tennent Avenue? (click the image to enlarge)
Click to view results

Question title

How much do you like Future Concept D for Tennent Avenue?
(click the image to enlarge)

How much do you like Future Concept D for Tennent Avenue? (click the image to enlarge)
Click to view results

Question title

Rank your top priorities in the Active Transportation Plan. (Drag your top priority into the "your top priority" box and continue from there)

Question title

To help us ensure that we reach all neighborhoods, please tell us the approximate location of where you live.

Need other ways to comment?

To leave a voicemail comment call 855-925-2801 code: 1263


Walk and Roll Pinole Campaign Launch

October 2023

Community Survey Released

October 2023

Pop-Up 1

October 2023-Peet's Patio

Pop-Up 2

November 2023-Farmer's Market

Pop-Up 3

April 2024- Pinole Earth Walk

Future Concepts Feedback

  • Available in-person at City Hall through end of May
  • Available online on this project website

Active Transportation Plan Workshop

July 11, 2024 (Pinole Senior Center)

Public Review Draft Release

July 2024

Finalized Active Transportation Plan


Council Adoption